Elul 21, 5781/August 29, 2021
Rabbi Benjamin Sharff
One of the hardest transitions in our tradition took place when Moses had to hand over the mantle of leadership to Joshua. It was hard not only because Moses had been the steady guide of the Israelites for the past forty years, but also because Moses was not allowed the reward of entering the Promised Land. Though in retrospect we understand it. For Moses, it was an unexpected transition.
Transitions sometimes occur as a natural process of growing, or age, or circumstance. Other times transitions are thrust upon us in ways that may appear arbitrary and capricious. The question is not so much about why transitions happen, but instead, how we handle, or cope with, or manage, or move on from these transitions.
Moses, seeing his stage of his work completed, was then buried, knowing that his people’s journey would continue on without him. Though we mostly remember Moses for his leadership and his guidance, perhaps we too can learn from the graciousness for which he accepted the transitions in his life.
Change happens. The question is: how do we embrace it, and how do we prepare for the next
step in our journeys especially during these uncertain times of transition?
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