Friday, August 21, 2015

Elul 12/August 27

Prayers and Shoes
Rabbi Elana Perry wrote: In one of her more well-known works, contemporary poet Ruth Forman writes:
"I wear prayers like shoes.
Pull 'em on quiet each morning
to take me through the uncertain day...
They were my mama's gift to walk me through life.
She wore strong ones..."
The shoes we wear on our feet shape the steps by which we approach each day, each task or each event.  Putting on shoes each day shows purpose and a willingness to encounter the future. The same can be said of our daily prayers and intentions, if we are mindful about harnessing the power of our personal conversations with ourselves and with God. Imagine if all of us walked around on prayers each day.  What would be your personal prayer?  What words would help to carry you through the uncertain times?  What kind of expression - quiet meditation, or bellowing song - would bring you comfort and strength?

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