Friday, August 21, 2015

Elul 15/August 30

This spring I was at the brit milah of my third nephew, and his birth reminds me of some of our Elul themes. As Elul begins, we are given the opportunity to look back and seriously consider how we would like to live our lives.  Like a newborn baby, we are full of potential.  The High Holy Days are a time to tap in to our potential and create the best version of ourselves for the coming year.  Elul provides for us a full month of preparation for the Days of Awe.  We cannot expect to go to synagogue once or twice a year and immediately feel renewed.  Just like we give a newborn milk or formula before solid foods, we take time to prepare before our feast of the spirit over the High Holy Days. Thinking about the new arrival in my family gives Elul even greater significance this year.  
My nephew has his whole life ahead of him. His personality, interests, likes and dislikes have yet to manifest. He is a completely clean slate. While we cannot claim the same, we do have the ability to cleanse in preparation for the month ahead. Elul gives us the opportunity to look back at our life and decide how we want to renew for the year to come.
May we all find the strength to use Elul to realize our fullest potential.  May the month ahead bring us into a year of conquering the changes we wish to make in ourselves.

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